PBO Workshop

A workshop on how to approach project-based organization for digital photo archiving.

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In our PBO workshop, you'll learn the ins and outs of project-based organization.

Project-Based Organization (PBO) is a fun method of tackling messy photo archives that works well for creative souls.

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • What PBO is, and how it's different from the "regular" organizing process
  • Why PBO works well for those who value creative expression
  • What types of projects lend themselves to PBO
  • Example PBO workflows
  • Example PBO techniques

Templates are included.

This workshop was recorded live on October 16, 2021 via Zoom.

Already enrolled in DPO PRO VIP? This workshop is free to you - please see our community calendar for login info!

Questions? Please email us at [email protected]

Your Instructor

Caroline Guntur
Caroline Guntur

Caroline Guntur is a Professional Organizer and Productivity Coach. She is a 10-year Golden Circle member of NAPO (the National Association of Productivity & Organizing and Professionals), and Masterclass Coach and Advisory Board Member to TPM (The Photo Managers).

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